In this day of tight finances and fierce competition for students . . . Michigan public school districts might be as well served to expand the breadth and depth of their interscholastic athletic offerings.
[Read the rest of this article...]
Those who are serious about facilitating a turnaround in Michigan must face up to the problems of our major cities and turn around the policies that helped cause those problems . . .
Why is it important that schools provide student activities programs like interscholastic athletics? It’s likely many people are raising this question . . .
My counterparts in other states have been surprised to learn that I maintain a blog on the MHSAA website, with fresh entries twice each week, which I actually write myself.
Everybody involved in school sports . . . should keep great distance from any pill, injection, salve or nutritional supplement that is promoted to enhance athletic performance, if for no other reason than it’s the law.
Tomorrow, for the 25th consecutive year, the MHSAA is inviting the leadership of high school leagues and conferences across Michigan to gather.
. . . as disasters always do, this latest one reminds us of how relatively unimportant school sports are. Sometimes we behave like sports is life and death. Of course, it is not.
It became apparent that there is not only a desire but a need for influential organizations to participate in the once strictly personal arena of social networking.
From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.