Why is it important that schools provide student activities programs like interscholastic athletics?  It’s likely many people are raising this question as resources to support those programs are being squeezed.

The answer is the strong statistical link between participation in these activities and positive outcomes for our kids.  For example, it is well established that . . .

  • Participants in school activities have higher grade point averages, lower dropout rates, better daily attendance and fewer discipline problems than non-participating students;
  • Participants in athletics have higher GPAs in season than out;
  • Participation in school activities is a better predictor of success in later life than either GPA or standardized test results.

We don’t know if these stats are cause and effect.  What we do know is that we want our own children hanging with these kinds of motivated, high-achieving young people.

It’s why the MHSAA emphasizes maximizing participation above winning, and why schools need to keep their eyes on higher participation even at times of lower revenue.

These programs are great for students; they strengthen students’ connection to schools; they strengthen schools’ positive impact on communities.  All of which benefits Michigan’s climate for attracting business and industry, and all the good that follows.

Why bother with student activities?  They build a better life for Michigan’s citizens.

Posted in: Finance


Shawn Brown
# Shawn Brown
Friday, March 5, 2010 10:28 AM
I totally agree with these comments. We are a small (and getting smaller) school district where sports are totally funded by the booster club. The school doesn't pay for anything but provide us with the facilities. Howerver, we strugle due to the fact that we are bound by the contracts in place and prior practices. Our coaches saleries are almost 65% of our budget. When we ask questions or suggest that we need to make some changes so we can continue to fund sports all we ever here is its in the contract or thats the way its always been done! Do you have any suggestions as to what we as a booster club can do to keep funding sports?

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