In the world of boxing, when for example a middleweight fighter packs a punch as powerful as a heavyweight, it is sometimes said that the fighter has “punch beyond his weight.”
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You almost have to admire QVC . . . It has just about mastered the art of selling things you didn’t know you wanted and heretofore didn’t “need.”
. . . this school year ends with dread that the next school year will be one of less opportunity and less oversight than we’ve seen at any time in the last 75 years of high school sports in Michigan.
What is really “toxic” about high school sports is the increasing attention to the ranking of high school teams and players . . .
Sometimes it takes the most exaggerated circumstances to remind us that (1) some people are (in a non-clinical sense) “crazy,” and (2) our programs need rules to protect them from such bizarre behavior.
After cutting and removing all the branches of a 40-year-old shrub, I was left with a massive clump of roots, precisely in the center of what I had planned to make last year’s expanded vegetable garden.
. . . it worries caring, cautious people like me that school districts have found it necessary to reduce essential oversight of their programs during drastic local school budget restructuring.
. . . the genius of interscholastic athletics, if you wish – is in being different from college and professional sports.
From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.