While objective measures of time and distance are staples of competitive sports, athletic administration is less science than it is art. Snap decisions and judgment calls mingle with hard and fast rules...
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Tomorrow, for the 25th consecutive year, the MHSAA is inviting the leadership of high school leagues and conferences across Michigan to gather.
A recent Leadership IQ employee survey to analyze strategic awareness asked more than 30,000 employees if they could articulate their organization’s strategic goals . . . Only 34 percent of those surveyed said they could do so.
At the end of an overcast day, the sun slipped beneath the clouds and into Lake Michigan, leaving behind the electric pink and rouge tips of dark clouds and their reflection on the waves of even darker water.
When my wife was going through items her 89-year-old mother had kept prior to her death, she discovered a yellow butterfly-shaped ashtray my wife had made as a Brownie in the 1950s. Can you imagine that? We had young girls making ashtrays!
Every year in August, my wife and I go blueberry picking in West Michigan. Two buckets, placed in four freezer bags, from which we make withdrawals for pancakes, muffins and sauces throughout the next 12 months.
From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.