Many years ago, a short, balding high school choir director taped the first rehearsal of a very difficult musical composition.
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These colleagues from across the country had the same thoughts we have; and they used the very same words we’ve been using in Michigan.
The more essential qualities of a team leader are not physical – not being the biggest, fastest or best athlete.
The teachers and coaches who make these requests of their students and athletes, as well as of themselves, are the teachers and coaches invited to the class reunions.
Michigan – and specifically West Michigan – will host two important national meetings related to our business during the next two years.
When it comes to fighting, schools know their limitations: lack of time, money and will. Schools depend on the MHSAA to do their fighting.
Any initiative so strongly opposed by a majority of our member schools, or any initiative so obviously harmful to a large segment of our member schools, must be and will be opposed by the MHSAA staff.
I was there – really, I was – sitting alongside my father, midway up the section of end zone seats where Bart Starr followed Jerry Kramer across the goal line for the winning touchdown in 13-below-zero temperatures.
From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.