Any system that allows such lavish expenditures on the sports program and its personalities the way it is allowed in NCAA Division 1 football and basketball will continue to have serious problems . . .

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That person will usually be incredulous when we respond (to a suggestion) that the project or problem is beyond the authority of the MHSAA or beyond the capacity of the MHSAA’s resources.

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We are engaged in very serious discussions. They’re not only complicated, with unintended negative consequences possible . . . they’re also a matter of life and death.

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"It seems to me the more a culture of sportsmanship and fair play is established, the more likely any team is to demonstrate the consistency needed for success."

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Similar patterns can be found in many other sports as technological advancements have taken participants to extremes their physical bodies were unprepared or unsuited for.

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Posted in: Health & Safety

I cannot be sure what I know – or what I believe and will stand behind – until I can see it in writing and know that it will be read by others.

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Posted in: Perspective

There’s some “good” news on a bad topic:  participation fees.

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Posted in: Participation

Even those who work in the “prevention business” – whether that’s the US Forest Service or a statewide athletic association – must tolerate a few fires.

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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.