The result was not only better sportsmanship at these schools, it made being at the games the “cool” thing to do.

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It may be fashionable for the pundits and politicians to beat up public education in the U.S., but from all around the world people are beating a path to our schools for the quality of education they cannot find elsewhere.

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While I have nothing against international travel – in fact, it’s a hobby my wife and I enthusiastically share – I caution against international trips for teams or individual athletes.

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Ken Dryden said that the greatest lesson of sport is that most things go wrong; in fact, that they almost always go wrong.

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Many of the benefits of school activities accrue from the requirements of school activities. Raise the bar, raise the value. Lower the bar, lower the value.

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It’s my experience that the most effective promotions speak for themselves. The most effective promotions promote the fundamentals of school sports, like scholarship and sportsmanship and safety.

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Posted in: Participation

There are good reasons that, in school sports, we attempt to restrain the hype and deflect attention from individual to team.

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Posted in: Perspective

Depending on the study, we’re told that 80 to 90 percent of all youngsters who ever participate in organized youth sports have stopped doing so by the age of 13.

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Posted in: Participation
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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.