The overall theme may be that, no matter how much schools are struggling for resources and resorting to outside funding, they value the high school brand of sports. 

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Posted in: Participation

Our health and safety narrative addresses all sports and both genders; and the 2015-16 school year provides three significant examples.

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Posted in: Health & Safety
I have often maintained that good sportsmanship is a precursor to good citizenship . . .

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It’s only mid-March, and I’m already sick and tired of campaign rhetoric and the ridiculously low behavior of candidates for what’s supposed to be our nation’s highest office.

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Posted in: Leadership
“If there was one thing sports has taught me, it’s that everyone matters.”

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The benefits of school sports do not occur by accident. They occur by design and by delivery.

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Our mission is to increase participation and to raise standards, including standards of eligibility, conduct and care.

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Participation in high school sports, music and drama . . . did more to shape my character and chart my life journey than any factor other than my parents.

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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.