All of this is under the over-arching goal to involve more students in school-sponsored sports at younger ages . . .

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This has nothing whatsoever to do with sports except to point out the absurdities of our talking about trivia in one place while near tragedy goes unaddressed elsewhere . . . 

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Michigan’s climate and culture within high school baseball probably makes a change in the MHSAA pitching rule unnecessary for the high school season. 

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What we do in school sports is important. How we do it is even more important. But why we do it is most important. 

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The MHSAA’s Task Force on Multi-Sport Participation has identified delusional parents as one of the greatest contributors to athletic specialization that is too early and intense . . .

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“I wanted to do something different because playing different sports helps me grow . . . "

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Every student we can keep engaged in school sports is a future advocate for school sports, as are these student-athletes’ parents.

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Officials registrations in 2015-16 were the lowest in 29 years. And 2015-16 was the busiest year of litigation since 2010.

[Read the rest of this article...]

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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.