When Frank Lloyd Wright was asked to choose his best project, he replied – in his 80s – “My next one.”

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Each time I perform this task, I am reminded how differently school sports operates in Michigan compared to non-school sports.

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What I’d like you to see – what I’m most proud of – is the behavior of the players.

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Posted in: Perspective

I would much rather see school sports tackle a half-dozen difficult health and safety issues than spend a half-minute debating national travel and tournaments.

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This country is unique in the world. And school-sponsored sports exist in this country like no other place on earth. 

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So, let the so-called higher levels interrupt and prolong their games with questionable procedures that are resulting in as much acrimony as accuracy. 

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We expect our schools to follow established rules of their state association, and we try to model that expectation . . .

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I once told a team of T-ballers I was coaching that they had a perfect record: six wins and six losses.

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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.