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...the best summertime investments are to focus on strength and conditioning more than travel teams and tournaments, on variety more than specialization...

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During our discussion, the mothers pleaded with me – that’s not too strong a word – to help develop policies that would preserve a place on high school teams for their children.

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It is appropriate to take the longest day of the year to address one of the long tails of the longest lawsuit in MHSAA history.

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Many people also recognize that well-intentioned rules to curb excesses and abuses in school sports not only do that, but also tend to drive student-athletes to non-school coaches and programs.

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It’s what we have and what the AAU doesn’t have; what US Soccer Development Academies don’t have; what club volleyball lacks and what travel ice hockey is missing.

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School sports is not engaged in the never-ending addiction to add layers of competitions and levels of championships.

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The contests, concerts and dramatic performances for the public were almost entirely beside the point.

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Zealous advocates for child safety wish to protect children from any risk of physical exertion, while in the next breath they complain of youth inactivity and obesity.

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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.