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My experience with school-age young people is that what they seek most from sports participation is funand friends.

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What we are talking about today are not only overdue changes, they are insufficient if we really want to return school sports to the central, most coveted and compelling sports experience for youth. 

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For multiple reasons, the multiple-sport experience is best. We must strive continually to make that experience possible for most of our student-athletes.

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In school sports, coaches don’t select and sculpt the body type as much as welcome what comes to them and work to develop skills to overcome inherent shortcomings.

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. . . the best part of the evening for me was to hear administrators, coaches and boosters talk about student-athletes and observe parents soaking up the moments and messages.

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What I hear when I listen to students . . .is that they want to play multiple sports and that they need us to hear that and to help them.

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Trying to win is much better than not trying to win. Sloppy effort does not benefit the participants, or anybody else for that matter.

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. . . all students are assumed to be ineligible for participation until they have earned the privilege of participation.

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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.