As reported in an earlier blog (Oct. 30, 2009), one of the topics the MHSAA Representative Council asked to be discussed this school year is the minimum frequency that should be required of member schools for checking student-athletes’ academic progress.
[Read the rest of this article...]
Results of the 2009 Update Meeting Opinion Poll indicate attendees prefer the status quo over any “tweaks” in basketball seasons, but prefer a later start for spring sports.
An essential characteristic of school-sponsored sports programs is that student-athletes earn the privilege of participation on their school teams by maintaining adequate academic progress in their schools’ classrooms.
Each October for 32 consecutive years, the MHSAA has hosted a series of meetings across the state called “Update Meetings,” an opportunity for school representatives to review recent changes as well as proposals for change that are working their way through the organization’s governing structure.
That football is a more popular spectator sport than gardening has many obvious explanations. One of the less obvious but more compelling reasons may be discovered in this quote from Michael Pollan’s Second Nature – A Gardener’s Education:
If life were perfect in Michigan school sports, we would accomplish these two objectives every year . . .
From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.