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While media will opine that increasing classifications waters down the tournament, our arguments are more practical.

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Spring tournaments pose potential for more conflicts than fall or winter tournaments because of many school-year-ending activities that are important to students and parents . . . 

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Posted in: Tournaments

Restrooms and locker rooms have become the front line of the latest civil rights battle in America, with collateral damage to school sports possible.

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Seeding is such an imperfect art . . . that it is more of a publicity stunt than it is a science on which to structure a tournament.

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The fact that there was no seeding proposal even considered by the MHSAA Basketball Committee this year is indicative of two facts . . .

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Without getting into the policies and procedures, here is what the NFHS says about the philosophy of sanctioning interstate athletic events:

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The basis for qualifying was the ability to raise $5,000 so the resort could fill its hotel rooms and sell tickets to its theme parks.

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Seeding in school sports is a much more difficult task than it is at higher levels where there are many fewer teams operating in much less diverse settings.

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Posted in: Tournaments
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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.