All of this, and much more, is about defining and defending educational athletics . . . the top task of athletic administrators from top to bottom of our exciting enterprise.
[Read the rest of this article...]
Because our standing committees have often failed us . . . the MHSAA has often resorted to special task forces or work groups to help get necessary things done.
The clock is ticking on the life of school-based basketball, and only a change in emphasis – a cultural shift – may save what arguably has been the most historically important sport in our schools.
I remember as clearly as if it were yesterday the first time I had to determine a student was not eligible under rules of the Michigan High School Athletic Association.
There is no single solution that can quickly reverse these negative trends in school-based basketball and other school sports.
The real juice for this inspiring event is the energy of 550 students and the investment of our schools’ coaches and administrators to facilitate the attendance of these students.
From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.