We are most pleased when we see the policy makers of school sports focusing on the lasting, defining issues of educational athletics, not the “hot topics” that come and go but often distract us from mission-centered study and discussion; and presently, the MHSAA seems to be hitting the mark.

At its May 2 and 3 meetings, the Representative Council spent by far the most time on issues of participant safety, which along with scholarship, sportsmanship and the scope of the program provide the four S’s that remind us of the core values of interscholastic athletics.

  • The Council approved protocols for implementing new national rules for handling players with apparent concussions  (Click here).
  • Three initiatives regarding pre-participation physical examinations were continued.  The Council authorized staff to:
  1. Finalize for Council approval in December 2010 one or more samples of a “long form” Health History and Clearance Form to post on MHSAA.com for schools to consider for their local programs.
  2. Consult with school personnel to review the current physical examination/consent card which the MHSAA supplies upon request to schools and to prepare recommendations for any changes for the Council’s consideration in December 2010.
  3. Consult with school personnel to review the current requirements of Regulation I, Section 3 regarding the date (on or after April 15 for the following school year) and frequency (annual) and to prepare recommendations for the Council’s consideration in December 2010.

 Click here for the complete May 2-3 Representative Council minutes.

Posted in: Health & Safety


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