In what could have been our bleakest years, we’ve had our best.  We accelerated our learning and expanded our services. Expenses went down and revenues went up, without increasing our basic tournament ticket prices.

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Posted in: Leadership

We should be excited about our programs and encouraged by their historical popularity and continuing growth.  But clearly, we are not.  In fact, we are a discouraged bunch.

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Posted in: Participation

It is almost laughable to assert that modern political debate is disintegrating.  Heck, in 1804 our nation’s vice president, while in office, challenged a critic to a duel.  And shot him dead!  Now that’s discord!

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Posted in: Perspective

We cannot expect school sports to survive – these programs can only collapse – if we ruin the environment in which school sports breathes and lives.

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Posted in: Perspective

Over the years I watched a lot of administrators of schools and school sports throw in the towel as they’ve watched their ideas and ideals get bruised and battered, and as they suffered constant and frequently unfair criticism.

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Posted in: Perspective

But no sport we administer gives us more headaches (than tennis).  Too often we encounter overly-involved parents and under-involved school administrators; and we're not certain if one doesn’t cause the other.

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Posted in: Tennis

Leaders of schools and school sports have rarely been asked to do more with less than is demanded of them today. 

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Posted in: Leadership

As America works and wanders its way through the messiness of choosing its presidential candidates, I look around for ones that I wish were available, and I find the choices quite limited and disappointing. 

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Posted in: Leadership
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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.