I have the greatest discomfort when I sense that those reveling in past glory may have peaked in high school. There can be nothing worse, for them or for society.

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The leadership of school-sponsored sports found itself face to face with “the enemy” recently.

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Posted in: Sports - General

The expertise to solve such problems has been in our room for years. What has been lacking is the commitment to a process that could move us . . .

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Posted in: Leadership
“Coming to poor high schools like mine isn’t going to help any of these kids out, in fact, it might make things worse.”

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Posted in: Perspective

This reminds us of the need to have our own organization continuously working  on  rules and penalties, and the authority to make and enforce such rules and penalties . . .

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Recently the Florida High School Activities Association escalated the girls lacrosse helmet debate to higher levels by mandating the equipment during competition involving its member schools. 

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In all sports, officials are to err on the side of safety; and when they do, the MHSAA will have their backs. 

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In 2015-16 and 2016-17, it’s Hearts that we bring in focus . . . especially addressing sudden cardiac arrest which is the No. 1 cause of death to youth during exertion.

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Posted in: Health & Safety
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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.