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With maturity and humility uncharacteristic of athletes twice his age, our newest of 17 four-time champs said: “I definitely had some great practice partners who were beating me up.”

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“School systems in Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Detroit and Newark have announced plans to close public schools, and in every case blacks and Hispanics will bear the biggest burden of these cost-cutting measures."

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This might cause us to consider more deeply what a high school sport should look like, or at least what an MHSAA tournament sport should stand for.

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Education reform needs a Mulligan. A do-over. The opportunity to go back to “Go” and start over. For example . . .

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Posted in: Perspective

My counterpart in Georgia has a nice way with words, and recently used that talent to add his perspective to topics like those we’ve been addressing here in Michigan.

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School sports is not engaged in the never-ending addiction to add layers of competitions and levels of championships.

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Strewn along almost every shore is the waste of nations outliving their means. Plastic in all shapes and colors, from products of all types – bottles, toys, sandals, tools.

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The contests, concerts and dramatic performances for the public were almost entirely beside the point.

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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.