Before my son brought a woman home for Thanksgiving, my wife and I reminded ourselves of topics to avoid, including religion, so we wouldn’t accidentally say the wrong thing and possibly adversely affect the future of the relationship. Probably, it would be wisest not to blog about religion either. But nevertheless, I’m going to; and I’ve chosen a holy day in the cold of winter to write about this hot topic.

The MHSAA has an extraordinarily diverse mix of schools. At the high school level are 657 public schools, including 52 charter schools; and there are 111 nonpublic schools, including 100 religious-based institutions.  Within these 768 schools are students and faculty of many different belief systems; and even those of the same religion follow different doctrines and observe different traditions, rituals and practices.

It is impossible for an organization of such diverse membership to schedule statewide tournament progressions during necessarily compressed time periods, and often with inclement weather or other unpredictable interruptions, to schedule and reschedule events in a way that avoids every religious conflict. And actually, avoiding conflicts with religious observances is not the highest priority for the MHSAA.

As an organization serving schools and educational athletics, the highest scheduling/rescheduling priority is minimizing conflicts with schools’ academic programs. This explains why the vast majority of MHSAA tournaments are after the school day is over, and on nights not followed by school, and on weekends.  And it is why contests postponed on a Saturday will usually be rescheduled for Sunday and not delayed to a school day.

From a religious perspective, it offends some people that the MHSAA schedules tournament events on Friday nights and Saturdays.  It offends even more people that the MHSAA reschedules postponed Saturday events on Sundays. But from an educational perspective, it makes sense. The MHSAA’s programs are intended to promote education, not religion; and MHSAA scheduling policies reflect the proper perspective and priority.

Posted in: Tournaments


rex forsyth
# rex forsyth
Sunday, December 27, 2009 10:24 AM
I have never studied or knew how different believers handle these situations until going through bible studies. I am still learning and have seen more of what the MHSAA is going through in planning with education at the forefront.
Our family looks at each situation and decides if we will particapate or not. This is done all through our lives and part of the education and what you believe is developed during the process.
Our thanks to all MHSAA personnel who study and think through to plan these events. For Christ healed on the sabath, but to glorify God not himself, and showed us how to handle these sutations.
Thanks again to all at the MHSAA and Merry Christmas to all.
# parkes
Sunday, December 27, 2009 6:34 PM
Exceptions to weekend scheduling of tournaments include skiing, which is not allowed to be scheduled on a weekend, and some Upper Peninsula championships with very few schools.

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