A few weeks ago I asked the MHSAA Student Advisory Council to help me prepare for a presentation at a leadership program for students of a league in southeast Michigan. I asked the SAC members what qualities they looked for in a team leader. They listed 13. In alphabetical order, they were:
Then I asked the SAC members to vote on the relative importance of the 13. Each member was allowed two votes, and each could split his/her vote, or put both votes on a single trait.
What got the most votes, by a wide margin, were being competitive and being hard-working. It is being a hard-working competitor that leads people. That could be, but isn’t necessarily, the best athlete. The more essential qualities of a team leader are not physical – not being the biggest, fastest or best athlete. The essential qualities are more intangible; and they are attainable for all athletes, regardless of their size or athletic ability. It’s leading by example.
From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.