As financial concerns increase among Michigan’s schools, the suggestion is sometimes made to decrease high school sports seasons by the same percentage across the board – e.g., by ten percent.  Those making the suggestion may be looking for cover to have the MHSAA mandate what any and all schools and/or their leagues already have the absolute authority to do locally.

In a statewide organization as diverse in all respects as ours, it is more difficult to find consensus than it is at more local levels.  We find some communities in favor of shortening seasons in terms of weeks, not contests.  We find other communities in favor of reducing seasons at subvarsity levels, not varsity.  There are those who favor reductions in non-revenue producing sports while leaving revenue producing programs alone; but what generates net revenue in one community may not do so in another.

The MHSAA’s position is that all these ideas have merit in some situations and should be debated and decided at local and league levels.  Meanwhile, the MHSAA will continue to pore over its Handbook regulations and MHSAA tournament policies and procedures to identify areas which might carry costs for schools with negligible education or health benefits for students.

While not all of our sports committees seem to have gotten the message and some continue to advance proposals for bigger tournaments and longer travel, MHSAA staff and Representative Council are on “high alert” to do no harm, for example, to adopt no policy changes that would expand MHSAA tournament travel and no non-essential rules changes that would add to costs for member schools.

Posted in: Finance


# Christian
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:21 AM
I think sports like football and basketball should not have the number of games reduced because most schools play a full schedule and it is stigmatized to not play a full schedule. In some sports, such as skiing and tennis, very few schools play the maximum amount of dates and those limits could be cut without much trouble. Also, skiing's first competition date should be January 1.
Monday, May 3, 2010 12:23 PM
I agree that a one size fits all approach is not always the best for all member schools but it will be difficult for individual schools or leagues to reduce the number of contests and maintain competitive balance. If reductions are made across the board all schools throughout the state will be participating on a level playing field when it comes to days of competition. You need look no further than the MHSAA mandate on summer dates of participation where schools previously were required to play most of the summer to maintain the same competitive edge as their neighbor. Now all are on the same level playing field in terms of how much they can play.

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