posted on April 22, 2022 12:21
Ballots for Representative Council elections will be mailed to principals of member schools from the MHSAA office Sept. 2, 2022. The ballots will be due back in the MHSAA office Sept. 23, 2022.
Eight positions for membership on the Representative Council will be up for election this fall. Vacancies for two-year terms beginning December 2022 will occur as follows: Class A-B Northern Section L.P., Southwestern Section L.P. and Southeastern Section L.P; Class C-D Northern Section L.P. and Upper Peninsula; Statewide At-Large; Junior High/Middle School, elected on a statewide basis; and Private and Parochial High Schools.
In addition to the above-named Representative Council positions, there are two Upper Peninsula Athletic Committee positions to be voted on in September. A representative of the Class D schools and an Athletic Coach position will be elected by Upper Peninsula schools.
Click Here for a Complete List of Candidates