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There is a small body of research that is unique to the MHSAA . . . Our uniqueness is in two areas.

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We’re seen as the conservative stick-in-the-muds who oppose national tournaments and promotions in spite of the money that could be made from them.

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Posted in: Finance, Leadership

“School systems in Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Detroit and Newark have announced plans to close public schools, and in every case blacks and Hispanics will bear the biggest burden of these cost-cutting measures."

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The 2011-12 school year marks the 10th consecutive year of no increase in MHSAA Regional tournament tickets for football and boys and girls basketball . . .

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Posted in: Finance

Many years ago when I was in school I learned that if I saved my money for something I wanted, I could obtain that thing; but if I spent my savings on other things, I wouldn’t be able to afford the thing I had been saving for.

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Posted in: Finance

Apparently it was Rufus Miles, an aide to Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson, who first said:  “Where you stand depends on where you sit.”

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Posted in: Finance

Here’s an editorial I penned but withheld from publishing in August of 2006.  Four years of waiting and watching have only made me more convinced of what it says . . .

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Posted in: Finance

In the world of boxing, when for example a middleweight fighter packs a punch as powerful as a heavyweight, it is sometimes said that the fighter has “punch beyond his weight.”

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Posted in: Finance
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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.