We receive much unsolicited comment about the performances of officials and the conduct of spectators.
[Read the rest of this article...]
All this comes at a challenging time for our officiating program which is most dramatically demonstrated by this fact: the number of MHSAA registered officials has declined by 1,895 - 17.5 percent – over the past four years!
What is at work here now are two newer forces that frustrate efforts to maintain a pool of officials that is adequate to handle all the contests . . .
And in this so-called “modern world,” . . . it has never taken more courage to be a sports official than it does today.
While they do their jobs best when they are least noticed, game and meet officials are one of the MHSAA’s core constituents.
The largest hurdle we face in recruiting and retaining officials is the poor treatment they too often receive from the observers to the contests.
Michigan – and specifically West Michigan – will host two important national meetings related to our business during the next two years.
From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.