Student Services


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Somewhere I heard a speaker say: “The most exciting thing in life is to be shot at . . . and missed.”

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I learn that there is a general appreciation for the differences between school-sponsored sports and sports on all other levels by all other sponsors.

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Restrooms and locker rooms have become the front line of the latest civil rights battle in America, with collateral damage to school sports possible.

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If there is one month of the year that demonstrates the difference in the MHSAA today compared to a generation ago, it is February.

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That’s the story. But it’s been mangled by most professional and social media which have rushed mindlessly to ridicule the athletic association.

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Behind the glitz and glamor of major college athletics is a program without, it appears, any rudder but the pursuit of more revenue . . .

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I don’t know how school administrators and local boards of education do it.

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The bad news is, Michigan public school students are still sitting in the back of the school bus.

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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.