Entries for '[email protected]'


Media across the US have been reporting the decline in attendance at intercollegiate football and basketball games. “It’s a national epidemic,” . . .

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As societal changes cause school competitions to become more complicated and controversial, the case for the full-time, well-trained athletic administrator becomes even more compelling. 

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The challenge before us is not intellectual – seeding tournaments is not rocket science. No, the challenge is political . . .

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Posted in: Basketball
When MHSAA staff asked our Student Advisory Council, “How do we have a sportsmanship program that isn’t boring?,” . . .

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It is appropriate to take the longest day of the year to address one of the long tails of the longest lawsuit in MHSAA history.

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Recently I’ve read about a new challenge to the sports specialization myth. It’s called “interleaving.”

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It is difficult for me to think of any part of our schools that provide these lessons and nurture these skills any more efficiently than extracurricular sports and activities.

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Posted in: Perspective

These colleagues from across the country had the same thoughts we have; and they used the very same words we’ve been using in Michigan.

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Posted in: Leadership
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From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.