Entries for January 2011


Mixing up the days and times for regular-season basketball games is doing a disservice to our students and their supporters.

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The preparticipation physical examination is a staple of educational athletics; and for MHSAA member schools it’s an annual requirement . . .

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When it comes to fighting, schools know their limitations:  lack of time, money and will.  Schools depend on the MHSAA to do their fighting.

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Posted in: Leadership

Any initiative so strongly opposed by a majority of our member schools, or any initiative so obviously harmful to a large segment of our member schools, must be and will be opposed by the MHSAA staff. 

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Posted in: Leadership

I was there – really, I was – sitting alongside my father, midway up the section of end zone seats where Bart Starr followed Jerry Kramer across the goal line for the winning touchdown in 13-below-zero temperatures. 

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Posted in: Leadership

An appropriate analysis of what’s happening in the world of education would ask why it is that students in foreign secondary schools are seeking in record numbers to attend U.S. high schools . . .

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Posted in: Perspective

Of all the resources needed for school sports, the one that we are not short of, fortunately, is positive examples. 

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Posted in: Leadership

These are examples of the ugly side of competition.  While it’s not like the dark side of the moon that we on Earth never see, it’s a side seen more often than we’d like in sports. 

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Posted in: Sportsmanship

From the Director

From the Director is the official MHSAA Blog which will touch on pertinent school sports topics periodically throughout the school year from various MHSAA Staff.