Mentor Official Dan Grooms
Legacy Officials Robbie Grooms, John Hull
Robbie Grooms - Williamston HS, 2016
2-year Football Official
Played: Football, Baseball "Football officiating has allowed me to become more involved with football beyond just playing so that I can be a part of the game for years to come. I have also learned how to better communicate with people."
John Hull - Williamston HS, 2016
2-year Football Official
Played: Football, Track
"It has facilitated my understanding the rule of the game and the philosophy of how and when rules are enforced. It has also taught me about handling tough situations."
Dan Grooms
16-year Football Official
"Football officiating is a way to give back to a sport that has opened up a lot of opportunities for me over the years."
Mentor Official Roark Pargeon (center)
Legacy Officials Cole Verrett (left), Jordan Anderson,
Michael Belinsky Jr. (not pictured)
Cole Verrett - Bear Lake HS, 2016
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country
Jordan Anderson - Bear Lake HS, 2016
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Cross Country, Track
Michael Belinsky Jr. - Bear Lake HS, 2016
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Cross Country, Track
"I like getting to see the game differently and learning more about the game."
Roark Pargeon
15-year Football and Basketball Official
"The Legacy Program allows players and non-players an opportunity to gain knowledge of a game they love from another perspective. When I see the values important to other areas of life being taught on the floor and in huddles, it warms the heart."
Mentor Official Steve Shutich (left)
Legacy Official Ryan Johnston
Ryan Johnston - East Grand Rapids HS, 2015
1-year Wrestling Official
Played: Wrestling, Football, Baseball
"There is something about putting on the stripes and being able to reward kids when they work hard and succeed. As an official the most rewarding aspect is being able to uphold the integrity of the game. It is extremely rewarding for me and, after all, being the official means you have the best seat in the house!"
Steve Shutich
24-year Football and Wrestling Official
"I officiated one of Ryan's matches and after the contest he was talking about officials in general. He thought the differences between officials seemed unusual so I challenged him and told said, 'We could use young officials like you!' His response was, 'How do I get involved?' It was a great response, as I am one of the board members of a local wrestling association. I think he was shocked as to how quickly I had him registered and working."
L to R: Legacy Officials Courtney LeSarge and Makayla Spearman; Mentor Officials Kaitlin Kubiskey and David Smeltzer
Courtney LeSarge - Onekama HS, 2016
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Softball "This is a great learning experience. I've learned more about the game than I ever thought I would."
Makayla Spearman - Onekama HS, 2017
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Volleyball, Softball, Track
"I've always wanted to be a referee so starting the journey is a real treat. I love learning and working with the student-athletes."
Kaitlin Kubiskey
2-year Basketball Official
"My favorite aspects of officiating are learning more about the game, seeing how the teams progress through the year, and watching the players have fun."
David Smeltzer
4-year Basketball Official
"My favorite aspect of officiating has to be the opportunity to interact with, not just the athletes, but the coaches and other officials."
Mentor Official Matt Fields
Legacy Officials Riley Magiera, Grant Koehler
Riley Magiera - Kingston HS, 2016
Football Official
Played: Football, Basketball, Track
"I enjoy being able to watch other people play football and being able to make the calls that can determine the games."
Grant Koehler - Kingston HS, 2017
Football Official
Played: Football, Basketball, Baseball
Matt Fields
2-year Football and Wrestling Official
"I enjoy having the opportunity to stay active in the sports that I love while also watching the next generation of young men and women demonstrate their love and passions for the same sports I enjoyed growing up. I have worked with Grant and Riley as a teacher, coach and now mentor official for the past 5-6 years. It has been an honor and a privilege to watch them grow and mature as a young men."
Mentor Official Jan Veliquette
Legacy Official Ezekiel Harcey
Exekiel Harcey - Home-Schooled, 2018
1-year Football Official
Played: Basketball and Baseball
"I enjoy being part of the kids' lives and making it possible for them to play the games. This is also a chance for me to give back to local communities, schools and athletic programs."
Jan Veliquette
27-year Football and Basketball Official
"Ezekiel taking and passing the online officials exam was memorable for me before he even stepped on the field. His attitude and willingness to ask questions and improve is impressive. He also reminds me to wear my down marker, which I tend to forget."
Mentor Official Larry Rospierski (right)
Legacy Official Jeremy Ward
Jeremy Ward - Cadillac HS, 2016
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Football, Basketball
"I love sports in general and having played basketball, it provided me the opportunity to officiate in the Legacy Program."
Larry Rospierski
19-year Baseball, Softball, Football, Basketball
"I enjoy being a part of the games that I have either played or coached, and making a difference in the players' lives. I am convinced that organized sports add structure and discipline to a student’s life, helping to mold a well-rounded individual and adopt a sense of fairness and sportsmanship. Jeremy is an intelligent student of the game and adapts well. He listens, learns and has shown to be a genuine asset to the officiating regime."
Mentor Official Jack Miles (center)
Legacy Officials Brennen Lambing (left), Austin Smith,

Lauren Weiss (left), Jaclyn Komar
Lauren Weiss - Otisville LakeVille HS, 2016
1-year Baseball, Softball Official
Played: Basketball, Track, Cross Country
"It allows you to be outside, stay active, and involved with kids. I have a passion for sports."
Austin Smith - Otisville LakeVille HS, 2016
1-year Baseball Official
Played: Baseball
"I like being able to keep in touch with sports."
Jaclyn Komar - Otisville LakeVille HS, 2017
1-year Softball Official
Played: Softball, Basketball, Volleyball
"I keeps me involved in athletics and I like being around the kids."
Brennen Lambing - Otisville LakeVille HS, 2018
1-year Baseball Official
Played: Baseball, Basketball, Football
"I like staying in the sport even when not playing."
Jack Miles
17-year Baseball, Football and Basketball Official
"Officials generally love the sport and are community-oriented and love to give back to the games. In 2016, I mentored nine legacy officials as umpires who ended up with subvarsity schedules with help from LakeVille AD Drew Johnson. We also started an officiating class for baseball, football and basketball."
Mentor Official Jack Miles (left)
Legacy Officials Jalen French
Jalen French - Otisville LakeVille HS, 2016
1-year Baseball Official
Played: Basketball, Football, Track
"You understand a sport much more when you are officiating. Making judgement calls, seeing the play as it happens from a different viewpoint. I also like staying close to the game."
Jack Miles
17-year Baseball, Football and Basketball Official
"Officials generally love the sport and are community-oriented and love to give back to the games. In 2016, I mentored nine legacy officials as umpires who ended up with subvarsity schedules with help from LakeVille AD Drew Johnson. We also started an officiating class for baseball, football and basketball."
Mentor Official Eric Wills Sr. (right)
Legacy Officials Kevin McKerr
Kevin McKerr - Lansing Catholic HS, 2017
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Football, Lacrosse
Eric Wills Sr.
36-year Basketball and Football Official
"The highlight of mentoring was bringing my sons along in basketball and football. Now that they are accomplished officials in their own right, it has been a pleasure to work with another new official, Kevin McKerr."
"Staying involved in sports I love is important; I enjoy the challenge of staying physically viable to officiate and the camaraderie with fellow officials."
Mentor Official Andrew Morgan (right)
Legacy Official Mark Petrie
Andrew Morgan - Marquette HS, 2017
1-year Volleyball Official
Played: Football, Basketball, Baseball
"I really like just officiating the game in general. I love to play volleyball and it’s quite fun to officiate as well."
Mark Petrie
13-year Volleyball Official
"I officiate to give back to the community that has given me so much. My favorite aspect is a toss-up; watching the girls improve through the season, or seeing their joyous celebration after a spectacular play. AJ is a pleasure to work with and will be a very good official. He is poised and composed."
Mentor Official Jack Miles
Legacy Official Josh Moriartey
Josh Moriartey - Davison HS, 2017
1-year Baseball Official
Played: Football, Baseball, Basketball
"I love helping out kids do what they love. Jack is a great guy and I can't thank him enough for getting me certified and scheduling my games."
Jack Miles
18-year Football, Basketball, Baseball Official
"I love the outdoor aspects of baseball and football, and then running the hardwood in basketball."
Legacy Official Austin White
Mentor Official Christopher Catenaro
Austin White - L'Anse Creuse HS, 2017
5-year Baseball Official
"I love being part of the game from a different standpoint. Officiating has given me a great sense of leadership and maturity that I couldn't have learned anywhere else."
Christopher Catenaro
12-year Football, Basketball, Baseball Official
"Watching Austin grow as an umpire these last two years has been memorable. I'm excited to see what the future will bring to this young man in officiating."
Mentor Official Roark Pargeon
Legacy Officials Alyssa Eisenlohr, Hayley May and Yuki Babinec
Alyssa Eisenlohr - Bear Lake, 2019
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Volleyball, Softball
"I like getting involved in school events with Mr. Pargeon who not only coaches me in basketball, but also helps me understand officiating as my mentor."
Haley May - Bear Lake 2019
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Softball
"Refereeing with Mr. Pargoen teaches me new facets of the game. I also enjoy it because this is one of my favorite sports"
Yuki Babinec Bear Lake, 2018
2-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Boys Golf
"I like Working with the younger players, I learned more about the game because I see it from a different perspective. I appreciate other officials when I play."
Elizabeth Belinsky - Bear Lake, 2018
2-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Soccer, Track, Cross Country
"As an avid sports fan, I like how officiating has provided me with a way to be involved in sports without being a player. I like how officiating has provided me the ability to help younger athletes understand the game. By doing this, I like how I am able to learn more about game situtations."
Legacy Officials D.J. Daniels, Brandon Messing, Trent Petri,
Mentor Official Matt Fields
DJ Daniels - Caro HS, 2019
1-year Football, Wrestling Official
Played: Football, Wrestling
"I love watching kids play hard and learn about the sport they are playing. It also helps me see the game from another point of view and understand why veteran officials make the calls they do."
Brandon Messing - Caro HS, 2019
1-year Football Official
Played: Football, Wrestling
"I enjoy seeing the other aspect of the game, the side not many get to see. The intricacy of how the game runs and how officials keep it running smoothly."
Trent Petri - Caro HS, 2018
1-year FootballOfficial
Played: Football
"My favorite part of officiating is being on the field again, especially since this was my last year playing."

Legacy Official Hunter James, Mentor Official Matt Fields,
and Legacy Official Mason Deblois
Mason DeBlois - Kingston HS, 2019
1-year Football Official
Played: Baseball, Football, Powerlifting
"I love being the guy who makes the calls. Doing this makes me more interested in the sport and I'd love to do this for many years."
Hunter James - Kingston HS, 2019
1-year Football & Basketball Official
Played: Baseball, Football, Basketball, Track
"I love being able to officiate sports that I have played. It also teaches me more about the game while I am an active athlete."
Matt Fields
5-year Football, Wrestling and Track Official
"This year I was able to work with five legacy officials. What made this really special for me was that all five legacy officials were former and current players for me on the football teams that I have coached. One memorable experience for me was calling Hunter from the hospital after the birth of my son this fall. I needed someone to cover the games I was scheduled to work the following day and I had confidence that he would get the job done. Hunter did an outstanding job refereeing those games in my absence."
Legacy Official Tim Petroelje
Mentor Official Lynn Benedict
Tim petroelje - Byron Center HS, 2019
1-year Basketball Official
3-year Little League Baseball Umpire
Played: Football, Basketball
"Officiating keeps me involved in sports, and I want to keep improving as an official.
I enjoy showing others what being involved and contributing/giving back can look like. "
Dan Grooms
25-year Football, Basketball, Softball Official
"I enjoy being a member of a fraternity, a 'family' of men and women who respect and admire the work and dedication athletes, coaches, teachers, and parents give to their sport. In addition, having the opportunity to work and become friends with individuals who represent all of society, without the barriers of differences in each of us.
There is never a better moment then seeing an athlete rejoice in their individual or team’s accomplishment while being humble and respectful to opponents."
Legacy Official Jayden O'Hagan
Mentor Official John O'Hagan
Jayden O'Hagan - Manistee HS, 2019
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Basketball, Baseball, Golf
"I get to officiate with my dad. We love sports, so working games together has been a lot of fun. I love going to all the different games."
John O'Hagan
33-year Basketball Official
"Officiating allows me to stay in the game and give back to the community. I enjoy the challenge that comes with officiating high school sports.
Working with my son, I've seen the growth in his first year and couldn't be more proud. He keeps my partner and me on our toes, as he is always 'evaluating' us when he is not officiating. Getting compliments on my son's performance puts a smile on my face."
Legacy Officials Samantha Dunn, Katie Brown, Sarah Dawson, Hanna Purdy
Mentor Official Tim Frosch
Samantha Dunn - Jonesville HS, 2018
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Volleyball, Basketball, Softball
"I enjoy interacting with kids. A lot of them are playing the sport for the first time, so it's fun to have an opportunity to help teach them the rules. I also enjoy the teamwork among officials. All officials are on the same team during the game, and it is great to see each other making good calls and being able to trust and rely on one another."
Katie Brown - Jonesville HS, 2018
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Soccer, Basketball
"I love learning more about the game of basketball because it helps me as an official and player. I like to ref little boys and girls because I can teach them new things, help them become better players and encourage them to become better sports. Finally, I like stepping out of my comfort zone and becoming more assertive."
Sarah Dawson - Jonesville HS, 2018
1-year Basketball Official
Played: Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball
"I like reffing youth tournaments and having the ability to teach those kids the rules."
Hanna Purdy - Jonesville HS, 2018
1-year Volleyball Official
Played: Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball
"My favorite aspects of officiating are staying in touch with the sports I love and learning about the sports in a new way."
Tim Frosch
15-year Football, Volleyball, Basketball and Softball Official
"These young ladies work very hard to learn the duties, rules, and mechanics of their sports. They have a great future in officiating, and the MHSAA is gaining four fantastic officials."