Guest Editorials


Reprinted from the Hartford Courant, November 10, 1997

Public school education isn’t a menu where youngsters can pick among the offerings, discarding English or history if they’re not academically oriented or electing to take only gym classes if they’re athletically gifted.

If parents decided only to send their children to school to dine in the cafeteria, play in the wind ensemble, or learn Russian, it would wreak havoc with schedules and staffing levels. Planning would be impossible.

Obviously, parents who don’t like the structure, discipline, or quality of public schools don’t have to enroll their children. It’s their choice. Private and religious schools are perfectly acceptable alternatives, as is home schooling, the preferred method of about 500 families in Connecticut. But the claim that children who have opted out of public school should be allowed to sing in their chorus or join the Honor Society because their parents pay taxes is specious.
For whatever reason, those fami lies have made a decision to abandon the public schools. They can’t have it both ways.

So the argument that Laura Robertson, a 14-year-old Milford girl who has been educated at home for nine years, should be allowed to play on the Jonathan Law High School basketball team because her parents pay local property taxes doesn’t wash. If the Rob ertsons want their daughter to play a more challenging brand of basketball than that provided by the local recreation league, they should send Laura to Jonathan Law.

By the same token, Milford doesn’t allow home-schooled youngsters to take part in any
extracurricular activities. Participation in such activities, says School Superintendent Mary Jo Kramer, is a privilege to be earned by students who meet strict academic and behavioral standards.

The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, the governing body for most high school sports, has sound rationale for declining the Robertsons’ request. A CIAC official said it was unfair that a public-school athlete has to obey “rigid school and academic regulations” while a home-educated athlete does not.

That’s true. Although the rules differ slightly from district to district, nearly every public school system requires athletes to maintain passing grades to participate in sports. There is no such requirement for children educated at home, says the St ate Department of Education.

Parents must only demonstrate that their child is receiving “equivalent instruction in the studies taught in the public schools.” No proof is required that the child has mastered the curriculum. In addition, home-schooled students don’t have to take an y standardized test that measures knowledge, skills, and comprehension.

Thus, if Laura Robertson was permitted to play on the basketball team, a double standard would be in effect. How fair is that to the families whose youngsters are dismissed from athletic teams because they’ve failed to meet certain arbitrary criteria? T hey pay taxes, too.

The CIAC should stand its ground. If the Robertsons want Laura to play on the Jonathan Law girls’ basketball team, they should enroll her in high school and let her compete — the same as everyone else.